Sunday, December 6, 2015
Frosty mornings on the Homestead.
I woke up this morning, I can feel the chill in the air because the wood stove had burned down. I stretched, still under the covers, not wanting to come out of my warm place...knowing it will only get colder in this house the longer I lay here. So, I get up and start getting the wood stove going again. It isn't long until there is a crackling fire, I can feel the soothes my old bones. After my morning "rituals" of letting the dogs out, starting coffee, washing my face and dressing warm for the day, I finally settle in by the fire with my coffee to wake up. The Christmas tree lights twinkle, the warm coffee tickles my nose I smile to myself knowing that in a few weeks family will all be here celebrating the holiday sharing good food laughing, singing and dancing..making memories that will last a lifetime. I hear the roosters waking up their hens, and I snap out of the little walk down memory lane...time to get this day started, my empty coffee cup is a reminder too.
We had weather warnings of " Frozen fog"
If you have never experienced this type of weather, it can make everything it touches so beautiful. The moisture from the fog settles on branches and fence lines, electric wires and every blade of grass and weed. I bundle up and head out to do the morning chores.
First stop will be the barn...several of the kitties meet me half way and escort me to the barn. You know, in case I forget the way.
I reach for the gate and cringe a little remembering that I had left my gloves on the table.
I make my way inside to the "swarm" of cats winding around my ankles, crying or complaining that I am taking too long filling their bowls. The smells in the barn make me smile. I can feel the warmth from the animals...listening to them waking up as well...calling to me, everyone wanting to be first to be fed.
The cats are fed, now on to the others....our resident old grouchy, but beautiful pot belly pig, Tulip. She peeks from under her nest of bedding...sniffing the air looking for her breakfast.
Once I finish there, it is time to feed the rest of the residents here. Chickens, geese, and pigs, all waiting on their breakfast and wanting to be let out to get their busy day started. I have to admit, I was in no hurry getting to the other side of the homestead. I walk slowly, taking in the beautiful scene of how everything is covered in frost.

Once I finish..I stop and look around...and smile. Yes, homesteading is a wonderful life. Oh, there are days when I ask myself why do I work so hard? Is this how I want to finish out my life? And I always answer with yes....this is the perfect place for me. No matter which road I take.... the road leading home is beautiful, because I am coming home.
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