Thursday, March 15, 2012

Time flies!

Where does time go!?? Seems like it was only a few days ago I was on here, now it has been almost 2 weeks. So much going on. We got the small "spring garden" turned, and planted. Peas and beets...still room for onions. Hoping to get at least 100 sets in this weekend.
The weather has been NUTS! Today, we were at 77 degrees...nice, then a front came through with severe thunderstorms, and in less than 2 hours, the temp dropped to 61 degrees. 16 degrees!!
We had a batch of baby ducks hatch.....Peking and Swedish.

 I made a deal with a young man to trade ducks for Buff Orpington chicks. Chicks are so much easier to care for, not as messy. I will be filling another bator next week, more ducks...but I will be adding Runner Ducks this time. :) My other bator has chicken eggs from my barnyard mix, and a few bantams. They will be due to hatch next Tuesday. Then I will clean it up, and get ready for Turkeys! Yep, my turkeys are starting to lay. After I get all the hatching done for spring...I am hoping to get our meat birds...25 at least.
I have decided to find a home for Freedom...the mini Donkey. He is just too mean...and I can't put any other animal in the pasture with him. He has stomped Fred, the pygmy buck so many times....I am scared he will kill him. So, Sadly, Freedom will have to go.
The 2 hounds are growing like weeds! Magnum, the black and tan is very sweet and docile...while Gunner, the outgoing, and mischievous.
Soon it will be time to shear the sheep. This is a big job, but the wool is so worth it!
Spring is finally here.

..Ahhhhhh, no more breaking ice in more frozen more trudging through snow.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Crazy weather again!

So Friday, as predicted, we had terrible weather here in Southern Indiana. So many lives lost to the tornado's, complete towns wiped out. We were so very lucky here. I stood at the window, frozen in fear, as a large tornado was barreling down towards us.We literally had a one minute warning...if that! And, if not for my son calling me, to warn me, I would have never known. We were not under a "warning" just a watch. He heard on his radio about the warning in my little town, they said to take cover. So my son called me to make sure I knew.  The tornado stayed up off the ground as it passed over me....but came down just about a mile behind our place. It hit a small town, hard! 4 people lost their lives. So tragic! Today we have to drive through this little town, we are headed to Ohio to visit with my Father in-law. I dread going through there. It was such a quaint little farmers mostly gone.
So last night, as I was in the barn with the animals....thanking God for sparing us once again...I hear the soft meow of a kitten. I look around trying to find it...not in the hay...not in the manger...where is he!?? Then I look up...there in the my little mouser...doing his job.
Mice in the rafters, or just a great vantage point?  I know if I was a mouse, and saw those eyes, I would be scared! At least I know this kitten is doing his job....he later left me  a present on the porch, evidence he is a "hard working kitten" YUK!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Here we go again!

Mother Nature is toying with us again. Wednesday, severe Thunderstorms....Thursday, BEAUTIFUL, sunny and warm....Friday, today, severe thunderstorms again, Hail, high wind warnings, possible tornado's. Sunday.....SNOW   REALLY!??? I think mother nature needs Prozac....or herbal tea's or SOMETHING!
Looks like today will be an inside day, with a book.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Leap day?? Ok, WHO is leaping!??

So, yesterday was "leap day" It started out pretty crappy weather wise....storms, tornado's, winds..YIKES! By 1 pm, it was clearing up, and I was able to open the barn....SUNSHINE!! LOTS OF IT! Whoot!!
At 3pm, I went out to do an animal welfare check..just because. I stepped out to see Freddie, just laying on the compost pile. At first I was thinking...ok, he is staying warm...laying in the sun, on warm compost...then, once I called to him, he didn't get up. Not normal...I called several times..he wouldn't even look at me. So, I grab my boots, and head out....once I got to him, I see he has a bloody lip...he had a hard time standing up, and was favoring his left front leg.  See, he is in with Freedom...the mini donkey. Both boys..Freedom is gelded, Fred is intact. Fred seems to think... " I have my man parts, so I am THE BOSS" He really does bully the donkey at the hay feeder. Poor Freedom has to stand back until Fred has his fill. I am thinking Freedom finally got tired of Fred's attitude, and " took care of business" I get into the pasture, and Fred will not let me touch the leg. Being that I had no help to call on, I decided to help him to the shelter, and let him heal for the day. He did eat hay...just very slowly. This morning I looked out, he was up and walking..I didn't notice a limp from where I was standing..I am headed out in a few to do a full check. Poor Freddie...the bully has finally found his match!
Today's weather is supposed to be another beautiful day....the birds are singing, the sun is shining...I will be working in the coops and barn most of the day. I need to get a few things cleaned up and ready for another round of severe thunderstorms, with tornado's possible, on Friday. Welcome spring....In like a lion...out like a lamb?? Lets hope so!!