Friday, April 13, 2012

getting ready for planting...almost ready!!

So today, the hubby and his brother kept busy. They fixed the roof of the barn where the winds had torn the metal loose. Then hubby got the rototiller out, and tilled the big garden. I am so excited to be almost ready to plant!

While I was in town running errands, I stopped by a local nursery to see what they had...tomato plants! I bought a whole flat, (48 plants) for $15. Not a bad deal. My plans are to get a few pots, and pot about half of them to sell later. I should make my money back pretty easily. The rest will go in the garden...soon!
After the garden was finished...hubby had to go to my dads and fix his I decided to go build a turkey nest. I have 4 turkey hens...and 2 of them decided to set the current nest...however the other 2 are still laying...and dropping them in the yard. So, I built a nest box, for their yard and put the 2 eggs collected today in there. I hope they get the idea...
The girls were investigating it as I here is hoping!
Tomorrow storms are moving in....then Sunday it will be nice again. Hopefully I will be able to get in the garden..and get the beans and onions planted. Maybe the tomato's too!

1 comment:

  1. Love the turkey nest!!! I think I need to build one of those.
