Friday, November 15, 2013

I like what I Like.

So...just a little back-round on our eating habits here. We have been married 33 years. The hubby was in the AF for the first 20 years. We raised 4 children during those years...and it was my job to make sure everyone was fed properly on a military pay scale...sometimes that was almost impossible. We lived on an Air Force base for many of those years, and were not allowed to have a garden. So, we mostly relied on what I could buy locally, or in the commissary. I admit, during those time I didn't focus on "good" food as much as I did on food they would all eat. I rarely cooked the foods that I liked, and grew up on, mainly because the hubby and I came from different back rounds...and our eating habits were not even CLOSE to the same. I was raised in the country...he was raised in the military. Yes, his father was a life long Air Force man as well. here we are....the kids are grown...the husband is adapting to my likes...sorta. There are some foods he will not even TRY. He is head strong like that. *shrugs* more for me, right? Over the last few months, I have decided....there is no reason I can not enjoy the foods I like, that I know he will not eat...if I make them for myself while he is at work. Brunch. I am talking about things like cooked cabbage...collard greens....spinach...pasta with tomato's. My case in's brunch.
Of course....most of my meals include...BACON! Glorious bacon, from the pigs I raised....on pasture. (grabs a napkin to wipe my drool) I started with bacon.....doesn't every meal start with bacon? If SHOULD! I started frying the bacon, and chopped up some onion....Bacon's mate. I set a pot of water to boil for my pasta. I know, pasta is not good for IS good! I LOVE PASTA! Then I set another small pot of water blanch my Collard greens. I wash and de-stem the collard greens,(grab s small bite of the bacon) then get them in the water to blanch, and remove it from the heat. Let those greens rest.( while you snack on another bite of bacon),remove the last of the bacon from the pan..and add the onion...just need to sweat them onions....don't over cook them. This only takes about ONE minute. Drain the greens, toss a little salt on them, and add them to the onions in the pan...and turn the heat off. let them saute just a few minutes. Drain the pasta...add the home canned tomato's and a few of the sauted onions..and plop this in your bowl..Oh, don't forget the pepper!! Now you have your collard greens with onion on your plate...add a few small pieces of bacon...toss it up good. Take the rest of the bacon, and make a sammich. No need to put anything on that sammich, other than bacon. And, there ya have it...Bacon sammich, Pasta with tomato's and onion, and collard greens with onion and bacon. Oh, the hubby wouldn't eat this...other than the least he likes bacon. If he didn't...well...I just don't know what I would do with him. I mean, seriously...who in their right mind wouldn't like bacon? I say, if someone doesn't like bacon....step away from that person...they are dangerous....something in their brain is just not right. So now I have a full tummy....I have the energy I need to get back outside and get busy here. The weatherman said a chance of severe storms on I need to make sure everything outside is strapped down and animals will stay dry. Never a dull moment on this farm....always something to you better start you day off....with BACON!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

First Snow....nice!

Ok, so...the truth be known...I LOVE winter. Well, most days of winter I love it. I don't love frozen water troughs...and the driving winds with low temperatures...but I LOVE snow. Last night we got our first snow. In my opinion, it was a "perfect" first snow. Just about an inch, just enough to make everything glisten and not make the early morning chores tough. It started last night....after midnight, so yes, I stayed up late to capture it. The winds were blowing pretty hard....
Caesar wasn't sure what was going on...he ran outside and barked at it! Silly dog...this is his first snow...
This morning it was so beautiful...just a little bit of a "dusting" really....
The first snow ALWAYS gets me in the "holiday mood" We really do go overboard a bit on the decorations, or at least thats what "some people" say...LOL I say, we have just enough, and there is always room for more. So in anticipation of yesterdays snow, I decided to start with the Holiday decorations....We put up 2 Christmas in the family room downstairs, and one in the living room. I couldn't help myself...I just HAD to get the one in the family room up...Yes, I am a big kid when it comes to the snow and holidays...
Now I have it started...and I am giddy with holiday spirit. Bring on the soups....stews...lights...and yes, the snow!!

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Zero dark thirty.

Yes, that is the time here today....( actually 06:30) It is still black as ink out there. Temps are in the mid 30's so I dutifully put a fire in the wood stove. It is so peaceful here on the farm in the mornings....the animals are still sleeping, the fire crackling, and my cup of coffee, steaming and tickling my nose as I sip it. I love early mornings. I know a lot of people don't like getting up early...and say " I am not a morning person" However, I am. During the warmer days, I like to get up and take my coffee on the porch to watch this farm come to life. One by one I can hear the chickens start to stir in their coops...the Roosters singing loud and proud, waking everyone up. The ducks start to stir and make soft muffled to the distant...I hear a few grunts from the pigs...I don't think they are morning pigs. The barn kittens awake with more life in them than should be allowed. They scamper around...chasing whatever moves...a leaf..a piece of hay...momma's tail as she flickers it in distaste with their energy. Eventually the sheep start to the sun peeks higher from behind the trees...they stretch..and finally notice me on the porch...and call to me. Yes, mornings on the farm are wonderful....some mornings I just wish I could freeze time...and inhale every moment. Winter mornings are more hush...more muffled...seems every animal rises a bit slower...not wanting to leave their warm spots. I can't blame them...some mornings I grumble at my alarm...knowing that from under my warm blanket I will be met with a chill in the air...This only makes me move a bit more quickly to get coffee going and a fire crackling. Shortly I will be headed outside...getting MY day started. It is the weekend...after feeding and watering all of the animals...throwing a bit of hay...I need to clean under the rabbit hutches...and add more bedding. Then I will be off to the woods. Time to start gathering more wood for the long winter that is quickly advancing on us. I have a feeling we will be needing every scrap we can get this year. I sliced a few Persimmon seeds a couple weeks back. The " old farmers tale" is.....if you slice a persimmon seed, and see spoons, you will be shoveling a lot of snow. Guess what? ALL SPOONS. I don't know if I want to smile or not about that. I love snow..but as I am getting older I realize just how much longer it takes me to get these chores done in the deep snow. I will just have to prepare everyone as much as I can.Deep litter bedding...covered windows...heated water dishes and a good stash of feed for all. The fire wood is always a worry for me tho. My fear is running out. A few years back...we did...we were looking for scraps in the edge of the woods calling everyone we could, to see if we could get a load delivered. It was a cold winter, and no one had "extra" wood. I don't ever want to go through that, I "hoard" wood now...when I can. Oh, we have a propane furnace....but if the power goes out, that furnace is useless. Besides...propane is expensive, so we try not to let that come on...keeping it set at 65 degrees...most times it only kicks on during the wee hours of the mornings...and only until I can get a good fire going. What will you be doing to get prepared for winter?? It is knocking at our doors......It won't be long...until we will be waking up to this....

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Is Fall a busy time for you?

Fall can be a wonderful time. The end to a fast and furious summer of gardening, raising you farm animals and keeping them safe, fed, and happy, and readying the ones that are meant to butcher. I just love summer....spending time outside in the sun and fresh air. However, I have to say, Fall is my favorite time of year. Watching the earth ready itself for a long winter nap. Everything slows down a bit...the grass isn't growing so fast....the changing of colors in the trees and fields. I know a few people are saddened by the end of summer..saying things like " everything is dying back" or "It looks depressing not to see brightly colored flowers, and tall grasses swaying in the breeze" For me....I love it. This planet gives it's all for summer....feeding each and every animal and human throughout its warm summer days. She needs a time to rest as well. This is a time to finish up the last of the garden preps. Make sure to clean it out, and put down your mulch. Let winter snows and rains refresh your soils as the mulch breaks down. Don't forget to clean and sharpen your garden tools, they need to be put to "rest" for winter as well. After cleaning and sharpening mine, I like to put a light layer of grease on them to keep them from rusting. I have been busy here doing last minute repairs for winter. Getting the poultry settled in their winter homes...making sure they are warm and safe during these up coming cold and dark days. I still need to get out the poultry water heaters I made from cookie tins. These are great for keeping the waters from freezing, and making my job easier. I have been saving the clear plastic bags that the pine shavings came in, and I will be putting that around the windows to keep the cold winter nights out as well. Today as I came back from the barn....I walked by the garden ( that I have yet to clean out) and I spied a small bit of Broccoli left on the stalk. I quickly snapped it off. It isn't much but will make a great lunch.
I then finished gathering the last of the green bean seed pods. This years green beans did so well. I am excited to have the seeds from them for next year. Here they are drying in the house. I just string them with a needle and thread, and hang them in a place where they will get air, and be warm.
There is still so much that needs to be done before that first snow fall, but I am almost finished with all of the BIG jobs. Winter.....a time to rest our tired bones...use our brains for planning next years planting and dreams...spending time with loved one during the Holidays. Yes, winter is just around the corner...and I am sure you will read many times about how I "hate breaking ice in water troughs" or how " the snow makes it hard to get from one place to another" but know this...inside, I am loving winter...