Thursday, February 27, 2014

Polar Vortex number 3...or is it 4..... or 5??

Yes, we have plunged back into the bitter cold. *sigh* Just when I thought we were going to get a break... WHAM! The weather gal is using words like "Bitterly cold" and "Painful cold" Yeah, I am thinking that winch doesn't know what cold really is as she stands there in the newsroom.... in her short little dress and thigh high leather boots. (seriously) Then she does this little *shiver* HA! She needs to spend a day here on the farm.....then she can talk with experience about the "bitter cold" At least we had a few days where the water troughs and rain barrels actually thawed!! I think I had 4 or 5 days that I didn't have to carry water. I felt so blessed!! Of course those warm days just gave way to thawing poop. So I spent a few of those days FILLING the garden wagon with rabbit poo/bedding. I am going out today to lay a piece of wood over it can "cook" a bit before it goes on the garden. Ahhhh, the garden... have you been dreaming about getting dirt under your nails...inhaling deep the fresh scent of newly turned soil? Makes my heart go pitter patter. And, have you started your seeds?? That is something I am going to work on this weekend. I will be starting tomatoes, cabbages, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, peppers, pumpkin, and a few herbs. Maybe I will lay down a tarp....dump out a few bags of soil... get my supplies together and get down there on my hands and knees and pretend I am in the garden. That might help raise the gardening spirits! Then of course, if I do might just be the last straw for hubby to have me committed. I admit... this long winter has taken it's toll on my sanity a bit. We have had the wood stove going almost non stop for 4 months this point, I can't even THINK about bon fires this summer. So....put on the layers again...head out there and face the cold...and can't last forever.... it might just seem like it.

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