Sunday, June 23, 2013 and humid....FLIES!!!!

Oh how I detest flies. We have been getting a bit of rain, and all of the animals are making the bedding wet. This with the heat is drawing flies like crazy! I have been so busy trying to keep everyone dry...and fly free. HA! The gardens on the other hand are loving this weather. Rain, hot and sunny, then more rain. Yep, everything is growing like crazy! Last week I had one of our grandson's stay the night. He is almost 13, wow, growing up so fast. We worked pretty hard while he was here. The first day we drug water hoses to the ducks, and cleaned and filled the pools. Then we moved 3 wagon loads of "stuff" from the barn to the garden. We were both pretty worn out. The next day we drug water hoses to the barn animals. Oh, and we made a batch of goats cheese, garlic! YUM! And we made Mulberry Jelly. Today I worked on the Mulberry/blackberry jelly. 24 jars! So far a total of 66 jars of jelly. It seems like a lot, but really it's not.
Here is my grand son pitching out the wagon.
Mulberry jelly, cooking down. The barn swallows had a great year! Look at all of those babies. The flew the nest yesterday....
Our call duck finally hatched out a nest of babies. They are so stinking small...and so cute! She has 7 of them. This water dish is perfect for a swim.
This years grapes are doing great as well. Maybe this year I will try my hand at wine...Hmmm.

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