Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Lost in thought this evening....
So I was talking to someone this evening, about Homesteading and such, and that got me to thinking. We were sharing ideas, how to's, and a few what if's. Our talk was positive...both of us telling the other how we got to where we are, and where we want to be in the coming years. Then I stopped...and realized...it all sounded like a fairy tale. How many people do each of us share our adventures with with laughter, and upbeat stories? We boast with pride over our accomplishments....we share pictures and stories of things we were able to do....but in reality...how many times have we sat in the corner of the barn, with one of our critters laying in our lap, waiting for it to take its last breath, praying it doesn't, hoping it would end the suffering soon? Or how many times have we thrown our hands up in frustration at a failed garden crop or a load of something we worked so hard to can, and it didn't seal? I know I have several times after getting only a few hours sleep, getting up before the sun in the summer so I can get the work done outside before the heat of the day, then working inside trying to catch up the neglected housework then heading back out after the heat of the day starts to let up...and by dark...falling into my chair...threatening to sell everything and move to the city. I babble about living in an apartment where we don't have to mow, or weed, or fix anything. We rarely talk about these moments. Most of us have friends or family members that think we are crazy for living this way....working hard...no vacations...loves and losses...so we do not let them see our frustrations... we don't mention to them how some days we just want to give it all up....we don't let them see us cry when we are so tired and exhausted from the way of life we really DO love. But WHY? Surely they all know that homesteading or farming is no cake walk. They MUST know that what we do is hard yet very rewarding. As I get older I tend to think, maybe it is time to tone it back a bit....then I think...and do what with the extra time? Lay around by the pool? Can't do that because I usually forget to clean it or shock it after a rain, so it is green water for a few days. Maybe take a vacation? To where? Somewhere where there is an illness ravaging the area, where I might be unfortunate enough to contract? Pass. This really is the only life for me. Working hard...then being able to sit back as the sun goes down, looking around at our accomplishments...and thanking God for all we have...and for the strength to do it. It is hard work....there are up's and down's.. But...it is so very rewarding. Is this way of life for everyone? No. I don't believe it is. Some people are made to work in an office, live in high rises or suburbs...and some are made to live in the country and work outside in the weather and get dirty. Whatever you are made of...no matter your choice in life.....just remember....every lifestyle has good and bad days..weeks...months..and even years, and no matter what you hear....farming/homesteading is not a fairy tale way of life. There are bound to be losses, whether they are animal or plant or even financial. Most of us just don't like to talk about it.
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
"Baby is co..." well, you know the rest.
It is colder than a well diggers bottom. Thats what my grandpa used to say. This morning when I got up at 5 am, I immediately looked at the weather. It said.. -4 Fair. Really?? What is "fair" about it being negative 4 degrees??? I so wanted to crawl back under the covers and just lay there and grumble. Then I heard the furnace kick in, Oh no. not on MY watch. I had to get up and get that wood stove going. It was 68 degrees in here, and my Macaw Nikki was NOT liking it at all. So I threw a few logs on the fire, and in no time I had it a nice balmy 73 degrees. MUCH better. OFF with you furnace OFF I say!
I grabbed my coffee and settled in for a bit, before heading outside for morning chores. Watched a bit of the news...so depressing. I don't usually watch too much news. So much ugliness going on in this world. The BIGGEST ugly is what the weatherman is spewing. " The coldest temperatures we have seen in over 10 years" Did I see a smile on his face?? Why I aughtta .... takes a sip of coffee to keep from saying mean things.
So 2 cups of coffee in me.... 2 layers of clothes on...I check the weather again, SURELY it has warmed up, right?? No.....no....it actually is getting COLDER! By 8 am it is NEGATIVE 7 ! JEESH! " It's not fair" ( I whined ) " Stupid winter" ( I grumbled under my breath) Filled up the water buckets with really warm water, I head out to the barn where I find the sheep and goats acting like it is summertime! The goats are outside headbutting and playing....the sheep running and playing. Brain freeze, that MUST be it! Their brains are frozen and they are delirious. Walking back to the house, I stopped to just take in the sight. Everything is frosty....frozen in time....waiting on Spring...just like me.
A Christmas ornament, forgotten...frosted by the cold....
A Cedar tree, its branches weighed down with yesterday's snow..
Waiting for its time....remembering the laughter that rang out around the table last summer.
All of the animals have been attended too. Back inside, sitting by the warm fire, a wave of guilt washes over me thinking about the animals outside. But they are OK, full tummies, fresh clean water, dry bedding. I am hibernating inside today. Today is a good day to catch up on cleaning.
What are you doing to pass time inside...is cabin fever getting you yet?
Monday, February 16, 2015
Mother Nature has fertilized my garden...poor mans fertilizer.
Yes, we now have about 4 inches of snow. I for one am happy to see the snow, since it is the "Poor man's fertilizer" and well...we don't have large amounts of money laying around so we "qualify" as poor. Of course, I don't know any homesteader/farmer that does. Most of us are just barely keeping our heads above water. "How does snow fertilize the earth?" Well...I am glad you asked! Any moisture falling from the sky, contains Nitrogen, and...well...plants need nitrogen. But, when it snows... the snow melts off slower acting like a "slow release" fertilizer. This allows more of the Nitrogen to seep into the soil. Now don't go getting all worried... "Nitrogen will burn the plants" yeah, we know that, however, the average rain/snow will only deposit a few pounds per acre and it is recommended for commercial agriculture to apply hundreds of pounds per acre. So, although it might not be "enough" , it IS free, and who doesn't like free? Like I said...we are not rich in money.. "Then why do you do what you do?" Well....a few reasons... #1 We like to eat and we like to eat GOOD clean food. So we have gardens and raise animals. #2 It keeps me busy, and keeps me moving. OK, I will admit it, I am not a "spring chicken" so by keeping moving, it keeps me healthier. #3 Well, I can show you......
and this....
and these....
And finally.....this....
Oh, I could show you many more reasons to homestead/farm...but you might get tired of the hundreds of reasons I have. Peace of mind knowing we have food to get us through the winter, our grand children, New life born or hatched every spring and being able to watch that new little life come into this world, take its first steps, and being loved and protected by its mother.
So with the snow... comes the reminder that Spring will soon be here. Soon we will be planting our gardens....watching the little critters being born here..taking a moment to watch them learn about life. Yes, spring is coming. Now is the time to get our garden seeds started inside. and before we know it, we will be wiping the sweat from our brows, swatting away the buzzing insects that want to bite us, or eat our new plants.
But for now, I will sit here by the fire...with my lap blanket on...my good dog at my feet and watch the snow outside and dream of sunshine, gardening, gathering and preserving.
Friday, February 13, 2015
New faces...and cold!
New faces here at Heavens Door Acres. These two ewes belonged to a young girl over in Ohio. She had them for a few years in 4 H. They are sweet ewes, and large! They have been here a few days and are super friendly, almost TOO friendly. When I go out to feed them, they run circles around me.....making it hard to get them fed. Did I tell you they are HUGE!? LOL Welcome to Molly and Charlotte.
Here they are standing next to me sweet little Laura, a Shetland ewe. They are Suffolk / Hampshire cross. The girl that had them, didn't want them going to market...so they will spend the rest of their days here....keeping the pastures mowed for us... and making me smile.
We are back into the frigid temps here....it is 13 degrees right now...and I am NOT happy. I WANT SPRING! They are talking about that 4 letter word *SNOW* over the weekend. I believe they said 3 inches.... *sigh*
So, back to putting on the layers while doing chores...hauling warm buckets of water to the critters....fluffing bedding and throwing clean straw for everyone. I don't know about you....but I for one am just about over this winter.
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Oh, yes, It is going to happen.....
What is going to happen you ask? SPRING. Oh, I know, they are using words in the weather report like FRIGID and ARCTIC. Don't you pay any attention to them, SPRING is near. How do I know? Well, you are reading the words of an " Old farmer" who has been " watching the ways of the animals" and maybe "reading the earth" Yep, That's me. So you can take my "sage" words as gold..... SPRING is coming.
You remember Spring... right???
So, if this is you.....
And you look out your window and see this.....
Take the words of an old farmer.....Spring is coming...
HAHAHA! OK, OK....so I can't go on with this. OF COURSE Spring is coming...it happens every year! Right!? Every year about this time we get discouraged. " WHEN WILL WINTER LET UP?" I hear.... or " I AM JUST ABOUT OVER THIS WHITE CRAP" I read on social media. But... rest assured... Spring will be here before we know it. While just the other day, a fellow blogger was saying how her big dogs were "blowing their coats". My big and fluffy K-9 is also shedding like a Maple in October. Fur is everywhere! And although I would normally be frustrated by all the fur, this year for some reason, I am LOVING IT. Why?? Because that means SPRING IS NEAR! Old Mother Nature communicates closer with the critters than she does us. Or maybe she does communicate with us, but we fail to hear... or see what she is telling us. Some of you may be waist deep in snow..or some even eyebrow deep in snow....but take a walk...look at the tips of the tree branches. Are they swelling up? They are around here, and you know what THAT means..... The trees are waking up from their long winter nap. Soon we will be dashing around trying to get the gardens ready...cleaning up flower beds that we might have failed to finish last fall.
So, lets get those seed trays out...fill your trays and pots with potting soil...rummage through those seeds you tucked away last year and lets get those vegetables started. Get those cabbage and Brussels Sprouts going...and soon the tomato and peppers. It won't be long now...
Sunday, February 1, 2015
Dodging the bullet!
Oh boy....for the last week, our weather people have been whining and warning about this "potentially big snow storm" that we were supposed to get today...during Super Bowl. So, I ran around like a crazy farmer....cleaning bedding and fluffing beds....adding more straw and pine shavings....ready to lock everyone in for a day. Gave the poultry extra water dishes just in case I couldn't get to them for a day, made sure their feeders were full. Checked our own food supplies....made sure we were good to go. ( we are) Got all of the laundry caught up...brought in firewood, split more wood. By this morning...I was feeling pretty darned good about myself...I was ready for whatever....and....we got all rain. *sigh* Oh, I am not complaining about NOT getting snow. Well, OK maybe just a little. I ran in circles for a few days checking and double checking everything.... and we get rain. Oh well....at least all the animals are happy.
So, one of our female rabbits had a litter of 9 kits a while back. 9 weeks ago actually.
I have been able to find 6 of the 9 babies, good homes. The other 3 are "promised" just waiting on the people to come get them. Then I need to focus on the other female. She has a litter of 5. One of the wee ones has a slight deformity. One ear just isn't growing like the other one.
This wee one will most likely live its life out here. Now I will need to come up with a cute name for it...once I can identify if it is male or female. Still a bit too young... for me to tell.
Next week I am getting the seeds out...and getting ready to get my seeds started for the garden. Yep, it is getting to be that time. YAY! I can't wait! I want to smell the fresh turned dirt. I want to fee the sun, warm on my back. I want to open the windows in the house!!
Are you getting excited , thinking about starting seeds??
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