Saturday, April 16, 2016

Finally Spring....Gardening...YES!

Today started with a trip to town. This trip to the feed mill was one of those you love once it is all put away...but dread putting it away. 15 ` 50 pound bags of feed...all put up before noon. I am so glad THAT is done. Now I wont have to worry about feed for at least a month....well, for the most part anyways. I might have to grab 6 or 8 more, for the pigs. From looking at the weather future cast...I think...dare I say it?? Spring is FINALLY here. Temperatures in the 70's and 80's for highs, and the lowest is tonight at 48 and after that, lows in the 50's. Yes, I think Spring has sprung! We worked outside most of the afternoon and was able to get quite a bit done today. I am hot, sweaty, sore, tired....and I am LOVING IT! This makes me happy.......
This little apple tree should produce quite well this year. It is going to be the best year yet with it....I hope. But, this next picture makes me even happier!
Do you see it!?? There is a honey bee getting itself some yummy apple pollen...and doing what bee's do for fruit trees. Last week I was able to get about 20 pounds of seed potato's the hubs and I moved 4 loads of mulchy type stuff, clean out from the barn over the winter, on the potato rows after I watered them.
This will help keep them moist, and keep the weeds down. I also planted the onions today.....3 dozen of "Kandy Sweet"
I planted these last year, and boy oh boy, they ARE sweet onions. We really enjoyed them. Hubby tried to till the area for the beets....still too wet. I think maybe by Monday it will be dry enough. I then concentrated on the strawberry patch. I have been saving the cardboard for a few months now so I took it out and laid it between the rows and up to the plants...then covered it with the same stuff from the barn. I only had enough energy to do about half of 2 rows. Tomorrow I will get busy early..and HOPE to get it finished. The strawberries are blooming like mad, so I need to finish this soon!
Oh, and this is on one of my Peach trees. I am not sure what it is but I am leaving it alone. I don't think it will harm the tree...just some critter cocoon...
So, tomorrow there will be more of moving barn mulch....and planting the rhubarb plant I bought. I am hoping in about 3 years, I will have some yummy rhubarb for baking with. So, what is your weather like? Are you able to get into the garden?


  1. It looks like a mantis egg case.

  2. I guess it might be, it just looks different than all of the others I have seen out here. I am going to try to keep an eye on it to see what hatches from it.
