Friday, January 20, 2012

Come on Spring!

Here it is, January 20th, and I am drooling over seed catalogs. Mentally planning the gardens...and dreaming of filling the pantry with canned foods from our own gardens and pastures. Really hoping this year the gardens do better than last. We were able to squeak out barely enough to get us through winter...but did have to buy some canned things. YUK! I would almost rather do without then have to buy commercially canned foods, but the hubby really loves his peas...and well, ours didn't make last year.

How many of you are already planning your gardens?  Are you planning to plant fruit or nut trees? Berries? I am hoping to be able to get at LEAST 5 more apple trees...and 3 or 4 peach trees. I would love to put in a large lot of thorn-less blackberries, but that is pretty low on the list of things to do.
We will hopefully be getting our pair of breeding pigs in April, and ordering 25 Cornish cross chickens for butcher. Stinky little boogers, but some darn good eating. So if all goes well this year, we will have home grown meats, to include chicken, turkey, pork, and maybe duck. ( not sure I can off the ducks, they are so cute)
Now if we can get the pond up and needs to be dug out deeper and bigger...then we will have fresh fish to add to our diet. *sigh* Almost there...almost self sufficient in the food area.

1 comment:

  1. I am hoping to add more blueberry bushes this year. Again. I try to add 2-4 blueberry bushes every spring. :)
